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李 汛
Email: li.xun@whu.edu.cn
电话: +86-27-68755339
博士, 经济学, 美国康涅狄格大学 (2010-2014)
硕士, 经济学, 中国政法大学 (2008-2010)
学士, 经济学和数学, 武汉大学(2004-2008)



Ÿ   教学课程: 高级宏观经济学; 动态规划; 中级计量经济学,动态优化,经济学软件应用

Ÿ   研究领域 : 消费者行为;实证产业经济学; 健康经济学



Ÿ   助理教授, 武汉大学数理经济与数理金融系,  20149月至今





1. Grandparents’ Co-residence and Grandchildren’s Wight Outcome in China. With Qinying He and Rui Wang. Economics & Human Biology

2. Energy-Milk Price Transmission at the Product Brand Level. With Rigoberto Lopez and Shuai Yang.  Agricultural Economics

3. Search Engine Advertising for Organic Food: The Effectiveness of Information Concreteness on Advertising Performance. Journal of Consumer Behavior. With Shuai Yang, Dong Li and Zhihao Tao.

4. Food Environment and Weight Outcome: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. Applied Economics, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1161715. With Rigoberto Lopez.

5. Are US Obesity Rates Converging? Applied Economics Letters, 2015, 23(8). With Rui Wang

6. Do Brand Advertising Spillovers Matter? Agribusiness: An International Journal 2015, 32(2). With Rigoberto Lopez

7. Energy Price Shocks and Milk Price Adjustments. Applied Economics Letters. 2017 (3). 1-3. With Rui Wang.

8. Retail Soda Purchases Decrease after Three Years of a Community Campaign Promoting Better Beverage Choice. JAMA Internal Medicine. With Marlene B. Schwartzc et at.

9. Piloting an Online Grocery Store Simulation to Assess Children's Food Choices. Appetite, 2016 (1). With Amy M Heard, Jennifer L Harris, Sai Liu, and Marlene B Schwartz.

10. Legislating for Weight-based Equality: National Trends in Public Support for Laws to Prohibit Weight Discrimination. International Journal of Obesity, 2016(3). With Rebecca Puhl and Young Suh.

11. Improving Anti-Bullying Laws and Policies to Protect Youth from Weight-based Victimization: Parental Support for Action. Pediatric Obesity, 2016(2). With Rebecca Puhl and Young Suh.




1. Li, X., and Lopez, R. A. Energy Price Transmission and Retail Milk PricesAgricultural & Applied Economics Association, San Francisco, California, USA. July 26-28, 2015

2. Dai, J., Li, X., Wang, X., Yu, Q. and Mao, X. Food Scares, Market Power and Farm-Retail Price Spread: The Case of Pork Market in China. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, San Francisco, California, USA. July 26-28, 2015

3. Li, X. and Lopez, R. Food Environment and Weight Outcome: A stochastic Frontier Approach. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Washington, D.C., USA. August 4-6, 2013.

4. Li, X. and Lopez, R. Spillover Effects of TV Advertising: The Case of Carbonated Soft Drinks. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, Seattle, Washington, USA. August 12-14, 2013.




Agribusiness; China Agricultural Economic Review; Economics and Human Biology; PLOS ONE

《中国工业经济》 ;《经济评论》



Ÿ   美国经济协会

Ÿ   美国农业与应用经济协会


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