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Tenure-track assistant professor Position Openings in The Economics and Management School of Wuhan University

     The Economics and Management School of Wuhan University invites applications for tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Economics and Finance, beginning in Fall 2016. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree in relevant fields at the time of appointment. We seek for candidates with strong research potentials and teaching abilities.

     We offer a competitive salary, outstanding research support and comprehensive fringe benefits.

     Application Instructions: Candidates should submit a cover letter summarizing qualifications for the position, a curriculum vitae, research statement and job market paper, and three recommendation letters. We will be interviewing selected candidates at the AEA annual meeting in Philadelphia from Jan 3 to Jan 5, 2016.
     Email for application: emshr@whu.edu.cn


发布时间:2015-12-03 09:02:54 浏览人数:
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