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一、简 介
     谢丹阳(Xie,Danyang),男,安徽省祁门县人,1983年毕业于武汉大学,获得数学学士学位,1992年获芝加哥大学经济学博士学位。1983-1985年间,留校作为助教任职武汉大学数学系,1991-1994年间,作为助理教授任职于加拿大蒙特利尔大学;1993-1998年,任香港科技大学助理教授,1998年晋升副教授,获终身教职。2000-2004年间先后任国际货币基金组织经济学家和高级经济学家。2004年任香港科技大学经济系伟伦高级研究员,2006年至今任香港科技大学经济系教授, 2007-2010年担任香港科技大学经济系主任,2011年5月至2013年7月任香港科技大学瑞安经管中心主任。2013年6月被任命为www.365808.com院长,2014年1月1日全职到任。

(1) Miao J. and D. Xie,“Economic Growth under Money Illusion”,Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013
(2) Xie, D, “Subscription of Shares”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2010
(3) Li H., X. Wei, and D. Xie,“Competitiveness of the Hong Kong Economy”,China Economic Review, 2009
(4) Shimomura, K and D. Xie, “Advances on Stackelberg Open-Loop and Feedback Strategies”, International Journal of Economic Theory, 2008
(5) Xie, D,“Technological Progress and the Urbanization Process”, The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008
(6) Huang H. and D. Xie,“Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Soundness”, Annals of Economics and Finance, 2008
(7) Wang P. and D. Xie, “Activation of a Modern Industry”,Journal of Development Economics, 2004
(8) Xie, D. and C. Yuen, “A dynamic general equilibrium framework of investment with financing constraint”, IMF Staff Papers, 2003
(9) Rebelo S. and D. Xie, “Beyond Balanced Growth”, Review of Economic Studies,2001
(10) Li, H. Xie, D,and H. Zou,“Dynamics of income distribution”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2000
(11) Xie, D., H. Zou and H. Davoodi,“Fiscal Decentralization and Economic Growth in the United States”, Journal of Urban Economics,1999
(12) Rebelo S. and D. Xie, “On the Optimality of Interest Rate Smoothing”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 1999
(13) Devarajan S., D. Xie, and H. Zou, “Should Public Capital Be Subsidized or Provided?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 1998
(14) Xie, D, “An Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding Range of Consumer Goods and of Producer Durables”, International Economic Review, 1998
(15) Xie, D, “On Time Inconsistency: A Technical Issue in Stackelberg Differential Games”, Journal of Economic Theory, 1997
(16) Xie, D, “Divergence in Economic Performance: Transitional Dynames with Multiple Equilibria”, Journal of Economic Theory, 1994
(17) Rivera-Batiz, L. and D. Xie, “Integration Among Unequals”, Regional Science and Urban Economics,1993
(18) Rivera-Batiz L. and D. Xie, “GATT, Trade, and Growth”, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings,1992
(19) Xie, D, “Mathematical Induction Applied on Leontief Systems”, Economics Letters, 1992
(20) Xie, D,“Increasing Returns and Increasing Rates of Growth”, Journal of Political Economy, 1991


(1) 香港货币发行外汇基金咨询委员会委员(2011.1-)
(2) 清华大学经济与管理学院特聘教授 (2002-2005)
(3) 交银施罗德基金管理有限公司独立董事(2011年至今)

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